Your Restoration Is Coming!

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Stock photo to illustrate a sermon about restoration.

Do you have a feeling today that God is going to give you back some things? Do you recognize that our God does not allow trouble to last always? God is not going to flood your life out! Even when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against him because God is trying to save us. He says I come that you might have life more abundantly.
The word says in 2 Kings 8:1-2 you have a famine, true. But the restoration is true also. You’ve got to look at what God has done in your life. Take inventory: God has done great things already! You’ll shout because when you think about the goodness of God, all that his done! 
You never lose with God. If you have not won, that’s because it’s not OVER!. It’s not over until God says it’s over.